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The TinyMCE Community has moved

September 16th, 2020

3 min read

Silhouettes of at least six people at sunset, Tiny logo at the center.

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Open source projects rely on the passion and expertise of their communities. TinyMCE is no different - we rely on a vibrant and committed community of developers who contribute to the project’s continued innovation and success. The TinyMCE open source project is free to use, has been since the beginning.

Open source community needs

Among other things, a thriving community needs a home. Up until now, our community has been split between three different online spaces - the Tiny Community Forum, Stack Overflow, and GitHub.

This has resulted in duplication of effort, and uncertainty when it comes to finding out where to get support, how to contribute, and expected response times.

Here, at Tiny, we want to ensure all new and existing members of our community know where to access the most experienced developers, most helpful information, and most timely support.

TinyMCE open source community changes

As a result, we retired the TinyMCE Community Forum (hosted at at the end of September 2020, and we are excited to announce the consolidation of the TinyMCE community into two online spaces: Stack Overflow and GitHub - Stack Overflow for assistance with TinyMCE, and GitHub to report a bug or enhancement request.

Stack Overflow is “the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share​ ​their programming ​knowledge, and build their careers”.

There are already over 7000 questions tagged with tinymce.

Our developers are in there answering your questions along with other community members well-versed in TinyMCE, JavaScript, and other environments that TinyMCE integrates with.

GitHub “brings together the world's largest community of developers to discover, share, and build better software”. Our GitHub project has almost 200 contributors, and our engineers are in there daily, responding to issues and requests, working with you to make TinyMCE the best content creation experience possible.

How can I get general assistance with TinyMCE?

If you are a member of our open source community, and you’re looking for help using or integrating TinyMCE into your applications, you can find help by:

  1. Checking the Tiny documentation and our blog for a solution.
  2. Searching Stack Overflow for existing questions (and answers). You can add [tinymce] in the search box to restrict search responses to those tagged with tinymce.
  3. Asking a new question on Stack Overflow and tagging it with tinymce. Remember to follow the Stack Overflow guidelines for asking questions.

How can I report a bug or enhancement request for TinyMCE?

If you are a community user of TinyMCE and you have identified an issue, or have an idea for how the editor could be improved, create a new issue against the TinyMCE project on GitHub. Our engineering team will triage the issue, and you will be able to stay in contact and keep track of its progress.

How can I get support for TinyMCE if I’m a paying customer?

Contact Tiny Support.

Frequently asked community questions

We have captured the most frequently asked questions from our community below to try and help you troubleshoot your problems faster.

Not yet using TinyMCE on the cloud? When you’re on the cloud, you’ll always be up to date with the latest build and newest features. Get started with a free API key - you’ll also get a 14-day trial of our premium plugins!

Computer scientist, storyteller, teacher, and an advocate of TinyMCE. Reminisces about programming on the MicroBee. Writes picture books for kids. Also the wearer of rad shoes. “Science isn’t finished until you share the story.”

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